Knowing what problem you are trying to solve is the most important part of any product. The next is having a team that understands the problem and how to solve it or find solutions for it.
One of the biggest problem that I have run into is that lack of understanding from both the clinical and technical side of the solution. Many technical people attempt to solve healthcare without domain expertise. Yes, we are all patients, the main reason you see so many patient facing apps, however if you want to build medical apps you will need clinical domain experts. Then you have doctors that want to build apps without having technical knowledge or don't understand the software process. Both roads can quickly lead to failure. It takes BOTH technical and clinical to build mHealth apps or systems.
Systems, apps are mostly worthless without a link into the ecosystem of healthcare. you must think of an app as just the client of the system, it is like the steering wheel of a car. You shouldn't care if it is a iPhone or Android, that is the endusers decision, app developers need to support what the market wants. The system is what is important in mHealth, how you connect, interoperate with providers, family, and patients.
Jeff Brandt
One of the biggest problem that I have run into is that lack of understanding from both the clinical and technical side of the solution. Many technical people attempt to solve healthcare without domain expertise. Yes, we are all patients, the main reason you see so many patient facing apps, however if you want to build medical apps you will need clinical domain experts. Then you have doctors that want to build apps without having technical knowledge or don't understand the software process. Both roads can quickly lead to failure. It takes BOTH technical and clinical to build mHealth apps or systems.
Systems, apps are mostly worthless without a link into the ecosystem of healthcare. you must think of an app as just the client of the system, it is like the steering wheel of a car. You shouldn't care if it is a iPhone or Android, that is the endusers decision, app developers need to support what the market wants. The system is what is important in mHealth, how you connect, interoperate with providers, family, and patients.
Jeff Brandt